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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Training Week 19-25 Jan 2015

Weekly Totals:

Miles Run: 50.5
Hours Run: 9:03
Running Elevation Gain: 6,260'

Miles Biked: 125.6
Hours Biked: 7:25
Biking Elevation Gain: 3,753'
Total Power: 5614 kJ

Total Training Time: 16:29
Total Elevation Gain: 10,013'

Summary: Laid down a big week this week. Maintained my 50 MPH running base and continued to increase the bike. With newly added time on the trainer and rollers, I was able to increase volume a bit. Highlight was a 50 mi "long" bike ride on Sat where I rode the furthest of my life I believe. Funny thing is that I actually planned 40 and felt it wasn't enough so I added an extra bit. Given time, I had plenty of energy to go much further. I was able to do that one ride on a single Gu and probably could have done without it but wanted to keep energy up and at least some glycogen store for my run the following day. Between snowshoeing in the Falcon Blizzard, the long bike, and ice skating at Section 16, this week was an adventure for sure. I'm contemplating going to the daily post instead of weekly summary but not sure still.

Mon 19 Jan: No running today. Just bike home from work in the morning and back to work in the evening. Don't like taking early week days off of running but legs are a bit tired anyhow and 2 bikes is good during work days. Gotta have fam time too!

Biking Stats 1:
  • Bike: Cross
  • Miles: 14
  • Time: 59:33
  • Avg Speed: 14 MPH
  • Power: 201 W (718 KJ)
  • AVG HR: NA
  • Gain: 866
Biking Stats 2:
  • Bike: Cross 
  • Miles: 14
  • Time: 41:58
  • Avg Speed: 20 MPH
  • Power: 213 W (537 KJ)
  • AVG HR: NA
  • Gain: 151
Tues 20 Jan: A short bike today and then a medium run around the hood. Went to breakfast with the boss after work and we took my bike in his car. Rode from Sandy's back home. Afternoon, got out during nap time for a jaunt up Rock Island trail to Stapleton and up Eastonville to the HS, up around the Cross Country course around the school, across the construction site and back through the hood. Took a detour by water treatment plant and added another quarter to half mile of trail vs. pavement! Since HRM has been acting up, I decided to run free today and kick it up a slight notch.

Running Stats:
  • Miles: 11.2
  • Time: 1:34:49
  • Pace: 8:26 /mi includes walking cooldown. 
  • AVG HR: NA
  • Gain: 269'
  • Weather: Snowy
  • Route: see above

Biking Stats:
  • Bike: Cross
  • Miles: 9.4
  • Time: 35:56
  • Avg Speed: 15.8
  • Power: 258 W (556 KJ)
  • AVG HR: NA
  • Gain: 651'
Wed 21 Jan: Was going to do the incline today but decided to wait for later in the week. Turns out early morn would have been the best time. I decided to ride on the bike trainer instead to get some spins in. Since my speed/cadence sensor I ordered hasn't arrived yet, I am going off the stats given the same time and effort on the recumbent bike at the gym last week. It proceeded to snow hard the remainder of the day. Not wanting to succumb to the dreadmill (still haven't yet this season) I decided while I could run in 6" of snow sans snow shoes, I would wear them to change things up and also pack the home trail. Last snow, that thing was pretty unrunnable for a week so I fixed that. Did about 6.5 mi and ensured I will be able to do standard runs until it melts off.

Running Stats:
  • Miles: 6.5
  • Time: 1:22:12
  • Pace: 12:55
  • AVG HR: NA
  • Gain: 43'
  • Weather: Hard snow
  • Route: Rock Island to Stapleton and back

Biking Stats:
  • Bike: Cross on Trainer
  • Miles: 20
  • Time: 1:10:00
  • Avg Speed: 17.1
  • Power: na
  • AVG HR: na 
  • Gain: 0

Thurs 22 Jan: My rollers also came in the other day. I decided to ride those vice the trainer this morning. Felt much more real although it took more concentration, it seemed to pass the boringness of stationary riding better. Problem is that it is louder and woke up the wife so no more rollers when she is sleeping. Originally was going to do the incline again early today and spinners later but the roads were horrible to drive across town. I didn't mind that it was 6 deg but it was nice to wait for warmer. Ended up doing the incline in the afternoon. I decided to push a little harder since I didn't have my HRM and hoped to get sub 30 min. Not only did I do that, I think I got a PR at like 29:17 or something. A year ago today apparently was my last PR at 29:33. After descending back to Barr, I wanted to get 8 mi instead of 6.3 so I turned towards the mountain and ran up to No Name creek before turning around and descending. The trail was not well packed above the incline stem trail so it was interesting going. The descent, I had to keep stopping for the dog so he could get the accumulated snow out of his paws.  I'm contemplating my long run this weekend. Wanting mileage and gain but don't know how the trails will be. CRUD seems to be staying low and I don't desire to wait for Sun to do Incline Club because that means skipping the bike to and from work. Thinking about 3 or 4 full laps of the incline returning to memorial park each time. That or maybe Rampart range road will be packed well enough. Also thinking of pairing the sect 16 IC run from Memorial park with the incline for a nice 22 mi and 5k of gain. Need to start figuring in long bike rides dang ol'snow.

Running Stats:
  • Miles: 8
  • Time: 1:41
  • Pace: 12:35
  • AVG HR: 
  • Gain: 2,721
  • Weather: sunny to start then shady and low 20s to finish.
  • Route: Mem park to Incline, descend connector and up to No Name before returning to Mem park via Barr trail.

Biking Stats:
  • Bike: Cross on rollers
  • Miles: 17
  • Time: 1:00:00
  • Avg Speed: 17
  • Power: na
  • AVG HR: na 
  • Gain: 0

Fri 23 Jan: No bike this morning. I decided I should take at least one day off this week from biking. Planning on running 8 mi later and contemplating the weekend. Deciding between Long run sat with ride into work Sat night and home Sun morn and ride back in Sun night (missing a long bike effort), or possibly doing the long bike tomorrow, driving into work and running with IC on Sunday for less of a long run. Option 2 allows for a long bike but loses the bikes to work (that aren't guaranteed because of wind and weather) as well as probably the Sunday night bike to work. Overall bike volume for the week and next week would be lower in consequence for a longer ride on Saturday. I do know the long efforts are what really count for what I am doing though. Either way. The wife is not happy with my training volume as of late.

Ended up with an 8 mile afternoon run. Was a bit windy and had more snow than expected but felt good overall despite being slowed down.

Running Stats:
  • Miles: 8
  • Time: 1:14:41
  • Pace: 9:20
  • AVG HR: 143
  • Gain: 167
  • Weather: 12 MPH N Wind steady.
  • Route: Rock Island to Stapleton Up to path through hood back to house.

Sat 24 Jan: Ended up going with option 2. Slept in today and had breakfast with the fam before taking what I think was the furthest ride of my life although I felt I could have gone much farther provided the time. With biking the road, you go places... A lot of places. The plan was a 40ish mile loop in 2.5 to 3 hours and I ended up doing 51 in just under 3 despite the climbing and headwind. No run today. It was the first ride with my cadence/speed sensor I got that syncs with my watch so I got to monitor cadence. Primary goal was to average 80 RPM. I think I ended up at 76 so not bad. The HRM worked OK except for when my jersey was flapping in the wind. There were a couple of times, I looked down and it said 190s and I was just cruising downhill so...

Biking Stats:
  • Bike: Cross
  • Miles: 51.2
  • Time: 2:58:05
  • Avg Speed: 17.3 MPH
  • Power: 230 W AVG (2,453 KJ)
  • AVG HR: 156'
  • Gain: 2,089'
  • Cadence: 76 RPM

Sun 25 Jan: Got the long run in today. Showed up for Incline club but didn't want to run the UPT to LRR due to possible nasty Ice on Barr trail so I decided on Intemann to Sect 16. Today was my 4th show for IC this year so I am once again a real member and no longer a virtual member for the 3rd year standing. Even the way I went, I can confidently say that the trails were the iciest that I have ever run in my short running career. I have been fine all year and really all few years up to this point with no screws or traction devices but today I would have liked something. Intemann and section 16 were a couple inch thick ice most of the way. It was a lot of hiking and running on the side in the snow to stay afloat and on my feet. Somehow looking at Strava, I still got some second best times on things. Knowing how far I had to go to make my 50 for the week, I tagged on a bit extra from the end and ran up into the Garden and a ways up Rampart Range Road. Somewhere towards the first few miles of the run, a slip torqued my right quad in a weird way and it was pinching the rest of the day. I dialed back the final few miles after I got back on the roads to cater to it although I felt good and probably could have run faster. Will be probably dialing it back a notch this week. Looking at my training log, I made a big jump in the biking this week so I need to ensure I get adequate rest as well.

Running Stats:
  • Miles: 16.85
  • Time: 3:10:58
  • Pace: 11:20
  • AVG HR: HRM still jacked... Grrr.
  • Gain: 3,071'
  • Weather: 25 to start. 50 to finish. Crazy.
  • Route:Mem park in Manitou up Crystal Park Road to Intemann, around sect 16 steep side first and back to town with extra bit up RRR.

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