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Monday, April 6, 2015

Summary of Training Week 30 March to 5 April 2015

Weekly Totals:

Miles Run: 0.0
Hours Run: 00:00
Running Elevation Gain: 0.0'

Miles Biked: 103.1
Hours Biked: 8:07
Biking Elevation Gain: 7,402'
Total Power: TBD

Total Training Time: 8:07
Total Elevation Gain: 7,402'

Took an off day Monday to rest the sore toe and then went into urgent care Tuesday morning after work. The left big toe is definitely broken. Super big bummer.  As I stated in the Monthly Summary, I won't be running for a few weeks so this week was heavily focused on the biking but still a rest week anyhow. I don't have higher bike mileage than normal but my gain and total time is the highest of the year. Kind of nice to have forced training in the specific area of biking. I got a long cold commute home my last night shift this week for 40 mi and 2k of gain followed by a 24 mi day on the MTB where I got some road mi and a couple loops of Black Forest Sect. 16 (flowy course) and then a really fun day on the west side with 25 mi and 4k of gain. Started at Red Rocks behind Rudy's off 31st st and rode up to Gold Camp road where I may or may not have ridden (around the closed gate) to the top and back down to the top parking lot of Cheyenne canyon, where I went up buckhorn, down captain Jacks, and the chutes, down ponderosa back down by CMHS and back up 21st to Bear Creek Park, and then up the long way back to high Dr. and Redrocks, accross Intemann, and then weaving across the park. I felt good throughout and tried to keep the heartrate down in MAF even when climbing. I felt great throughout and like I could have done it again all over. Unfortunately, I had to get home for some Easter egg dying and beer drinking followed by All you can eat sushi for my siter's bday.  Sunday ended up with no ride because of family events. I could have snuck out right around dusk but my quads were tired and it was supposed to be a "rest" week anyhow. Gotta respect rest. Especially when the toe is definitely broken. It feels ok to bike but just standing wrong and leaning forward to weight it makes me want to cry.

The 0's on running hurt a bit but I am just hoping I have enough running to feel good about the Leadville Trail Marathon in June. All I have to do is finish to stay in Leadman so that is a blessing. Luckily, I have a feeling that I will be able to hike before I can run. Probably will wear the stiff sole mountaineering boots and do the incline and some other big hikes, maybe even hit some alpine climbing (if I can manage to kick steps). All in all, I don't want to delay healing or drag it into the summer so I want to be super careful about how I introduce it back. There is no "catching up." It has to be a slow build back. Luckily, Altra was so nice that even though I didn't fit the mold for their return policy, they still threw me 50% off on another set of kicks. While I loved the superior's and am an advocate for more minimal still, I went with the Olympus hoping the extra cushion will save some impact from my toe so I can get back into the swing of things. Hopefully, by June I will be back in the Superior 2.0s and will save the Olympus for the latter miles of the PB Hundy. I see the podiatrist today for a final update on the toe to see if anything else needs to be done or not so praying there that things will be ok. In the mean time, I will be commuting 5 days by bike this week to work along with the ride to the podiatrist today, some detours on the way home the other days for extra miles and a long ride on the weekend. I should definitely be over 150 mi for the bike this week and maybe even over 200 (barring I can ride Thurs with the snow in forecast. Then, next week, I will be at the symposium at the Broadmoor so I am looking forward to some Lunch and after session rides in the Cheyenne Canyon area on the West side. I may even commute all of the way across town (30ish mi each way) some and maybe if I am lucky even get some small load running or hiking up steep stuff but not looking to push it. Biking will be just fine and the volume will even blow this week out of the water by time, volume, and gain back up into the 15 hour range.

Until next time...

See you at the top!

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