Actual Numbers:
Miles Run: 57.4
Miles Biked: 569.2
Total Running Time: 8:03
Total Biking Time: 41:24
Running Elevation Gain: 2,556'
Biking Elevation Gain: 37,802'
Total miles: 609.8
Total Time: 48:16
Total Gain: 40,434'
Loose Training Goals From Mar For Apr:
Miles Biked: 600
Total Biking Time: 40 Hours
Other Time: 20 hours (Other will be hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, elliptical)
Biking Elevation Gain: 25,000'
Other Elevation gain: 15,000'
Well, overall I am happy with the month. Despite having a broken toe, I only ended up about 12 training hours shy of my normal 60 hours per month goal. I am quite surprised on how close I came on my biking goals. With the goal of 600 miles, I actually ended up at 569 but my elevation gain was much more than I thought I would get. Much of this was based off the fact that my predictions included mostly commuting and I had that week where I went to the Space Symposium on the west side and had tons of climbing. What else you will see here is running miles. More of a typical number from a normal week before but I am ecstatic to have any for the month at all. My original goal had no running miles at all for the month so this is great and I didn't do my other category at all like I thought I would. While it was the biggest biking month of my life, I could have done more as I had a week or two in the single digits for training hours. The past couple of weeks have been a slow build back to running and I would have actually run more but life just gets in the way. Things such as attending my Master's degree graduation took a front burner and working out a back one. This forced me to ease back in without re-injuring it except that I am having dreams at night about doing the Jemez 50 mi in on the 23rd of May even thought I should be feeling that is a bad idea. I need to make it to Leadville and be ready to run and not more injured. I had some good saddle time on the mountain bike and had my first taste of mountain bike racing after being worn out from a full week of commuting. It is also crazy to think that at this point last year, I had trained over 100 hours less than this point this year and this month last year, I only trained 28 hours total between running and biking so even with a broken toe, I am on a good track. Looking towards next month, I hope to be fully back on track with normal months from before. I want May to look like March did as far as numbers for gain and whatnot although I would like to still see more biking than that and running should be identical. My gut feeling is to run even more but reasonably, I will be very happy to meet March's numbers as Leadville gets close for the Trail run and I have a couple weeks to finalize training before the first race. No idea what I lost from running but it wasn't much because my pace at MAF isn't half bad. Biking has really maintained it. Sitting here now, I am excited that I can actually run and pain free at that. The toe still lets me know it is broken when I bend the wrong way once in a while though.
Loose Training Goals For May:
Miles Run: 200
Miles Biked: 450
Total Running Time: 35 Hours
Total Biking Time: 25 Hours
Running Elevation gain: 25,000'
Biking Elevation Gain: 20,000'
Until next month...
See you at the top!
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