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Monday, March 23, 2015

A commuting day

Just the bike commutes today. Thankfully, I had a rare tailwind on the ride home. This was good because my legs were kind of tired from yesterday. I just cruised in and though the effort was lower, I made it home a minute faster thanks to the tail wind. The wife and kiddo were supposed to go to the gym and I was going to take the pup for a quick jaunt by foot but the kiddo turned out to have a fever so they stayed home. I worked on some school and hit the sack. I needed sleep in a pretty bad way after just over 5 hours the day before and 2 hours the day before that. After a solid 7.5 hours today, I woke up, had class, enjoyed a family dinner and biked back in. Not an extravagant day but third day in a row commuting in. There was a decent headwind on the ride in but I felt alright so I wasn't too much off normal pace.  Hoping for the first 4 day commuting week (since I only work 4 X 10). This would be awesome. I would like to get a run in with the pup tomorrow but it depends on the fever of the kid. It was supposed to be a family ordeal with the wife pulling him in the bike trailer but not if he is sick. School is also going to take a toll this week. I pretty much have meetings and whatnot every night Mon-Thurs (on top of having to do lots of individual work on the side). At this point, I am not sure when I will get it all done but I know I will. I always do. Thank goodness this is my last class so I can really start to focus on my family and Leadman. I don't want them to think I hate them because it is hardly the case. Leadman alone is a big commitment but adding wrapping up a Master's is a lot.

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