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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Just another spin today

The legs feel fine and dandy after the long jog yesterday but today really came down to time plus letting the body relax anyhow. Being already over the weekly goal of 15 hours, anything today was a bonus anyhow so I went to bed right after breakfast (still working night shift) and then after relaxing for the evening after waking up and having a solid spaghetti dinner, I spun out an hour on the bike at an easy effort while we watched Downton Abbey. Nice way to wrap up another week. Crazy to see that it continued to snow all day and was snowing hard tonight on my drive in. I am wondering if I will stick out the cold and get some outdoor miles tomorrow morning before bed or if I will break down and finally get on a treadmill once for this winter. Part of me wants to hold to not because it is kind of cool to day I haven't but part doesn't really care. I mean, I am spinning on a bike indoors. Last night I did order two Spinnervals videos targeted at Leadville as well so those should provide some good fun on colder days when I don't want to ride outside and freeze my eyes open like that BAMF in Cincinatti.

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