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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Summary of Training Week 16 to 22 Feb 2015

Weekly Totals:

Miles Run: 59.7
Hours Run:10:30
Running Elevation Gain:7,129'

Miles Biked:79.7
Hours Biked:5:53
Biking Elevation Gain: 3,665'
Total Power:3,594

Total Training Time:16:23
Total Elevation Gain: 10,794'

Summary: What can I say? Another successful week on the books at 16.5 hours things are looking good. The goal for the month was 60 hours and I am right on track if not slightly ahead. I have 6 of the 7 days this coming week to make that last 13 hours happen. With a goal of 15 hours again, I would not like to save the last two hours until So this shouldn't be a problem except for the weather. It is still snowing as I right this and then the temps are supposed to be very cold the next several days with only one day even forecast to get into the 30s. I will take what I can get I suppose but it may either be a compromise of finally stepping on the mouse wheel dreadmill or settling for slightly less outside and being happy with that. Since I don't have a Fat bike, it looks like honestly all my biking for the week will be inside. Ironically, this should be a rest week as I plan loosely to have a greatly reduced volume week every 4th week but it is a key week in finalizing training for the Salida Run through time Marathon in Mid March. I am holding off one more week before my rest week which will double as a taper all though I don't think it too important to taper for this race. It will still be nice to be fresher for the race.

One thing I do need to focus on is speed. I just want to keep sprinkling it in and stay cautious of what is doing. Looking at speed last year, I was able to still throw down 10 mile runs at seven minute pace even though my total mileage severely dropped in the latter half of Feb. For now, my volume is good and the total monthly hours at 47 is already higher than all but 3 months last year.

A quick summary of this week's blog postings, which by the way I have enjoyed posting daily during my quest for Leadman, shows some good results. I got about equal total elevation gain to last week but the bonus is that I got 60 miles as opposed to my normal 50 baseline. The Fatass helped me do this and then I snuck in an extra run the day prior since I feared not being able to go the whole way during weather. I figured the extra miles at easy effort were a win win for either extra mileage for the week or for insurance to ensure I got my 50 baseline.I had the early week snow run that was a feeble attempt at speed work followed up by a chilly commute and then the obligatory weekly trip up the incline for another accidental PR now at seconds over 28 minutes. That was followed up immediately by a solid climb on Rampart Range Road on the MTB in my tennis shoes vs. clipless. I followed that up with a couple more activities the next days and then sealed the deal for the week with the Headless Horsetooth 50K Fatass I posted about yesterday.

My current class for school is coming to a close so I have my final week there and then have to keep solid for 8 more weeks in my final class until I can finally be done forever. This will be nice to have out of the way so I can focus on Leadman and my family the rest of the season and minimize external stressors. We had also talked about moving this spring but we may hold off on that too just to not introduce too many extra factors.

Until next time...

See you at the top!

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