Miles Run: 21.8
Hours Run: 5:09
Running Elevation Gain: 2,789'
Miles Biked: 63.3
Hours Biked: 4:17
Biking Elevation Gain: 2,087
Total Power: 2860 kJ
Total Training Time: 9:26
Total Elevation Gain: 4,876
Summary: Recovery is the name of the game this week. Was planned for next week actually but after feeling run down and on the verge of being sick, I decided to cool it a bit before something bad happens. Almost too late... I should have realized last week when I did the b2b ride on sat with no sleep and then the long run on sun. I also should have taken key on sore muscles early into the run when I was struggling on pure ice and just called it a day early vs. toughing it out. That was for sure the cause of the overtraining and the onset of sickness that I still slightly can feel but I think my body was successful at fighting it off. Was never full blown sick so to speak. Just tetered on the verge for a few days as I kept effort easy. Hoping for a big week next week if the body is ready for it. Hardest part will be riding in weather. Will have to be willing to substitute indoor spins in loss of bike commutes to work that makes up the base of my mileage. Next week will just take on this week's plan and then resume from there on schedule. Should be nice and ripe for Salida with a good base! Getting excited. Was going to post this last night with my monthly summary but I had hope that I would get something in today. Turns out I am sicker than I thought I would still be at this point.
Mon 26 Jan: Didn't have to bike home this morning because I didn't ride in last night. Thinking it was a mistake to do the long bike back to back with the long run with literally no sleep inbetween. I had no time for recovery. Anyhow, today was just a short easy family hike at Homestead ranch park carrying the kiddo in a pack and a bike ride in to work. Weather was soooo good, it was hard to resist. I actually stayed up until afternoon to do this vs. sleeping in the morning like normal.
Running Stats:
- Miles: 1.5
- Time: 37:06
- Pace: 24:52
- Gain: 183'
- Weather: 60
- Route: East loop at Homestead Ranch park.
Biking Stats:
- Bike: Cross
- Miles: 13.9
- Time: 41:38 min
- Avg Speed: 20 MPH
- Power: 221 AVG Watts (552 kJ)
- AVG HR: Na
- AVG Cadence: 75
- Gain: 181'
Tues 27 Jan: 3 workouts today. Commute Home. A run on another beautiful day and then a commute back to work. Pretty much all my waking hours not at work... The run was a family deal. Put the kiddo in the bike trailer and had wifey pull him while I slogged out 6. Stopped at the park to play around at mile 5 and got back on the road to finish and cool down. Legs still tired from b2b longs last w no rest and quads still sore. The commute home in the morning, I pushed a little harder than usual and got under 55 min which is good for that. Ride back in I was taking it easy. It ended up only being 1 min slower than the usual. haha.
Running Stats:
- Miles: 6
- Time: 56:14
- Pace: 9:21
- Gain: 148'
- Weather:60
- Route: Path through hood to stapleton and back.
Biking Stats 1:
Biking Stats 2:
Wed 28 Jan: Ass kicker ride home this morning. Forecast did not call for that much wind. 24 MPH headwind with 33 MPH gusts was what it was when I took off. I was offered a ride home by coworkers but I said you don't get Big Buckles by not training when it is windy lol. I just kept my head down and rythm solid but a bit slow and stayed patient. Eventually I made it. Really started feeling slightly sick this day. Was supposed to get a run in the afternoon but skipped it due to scheduling conflicts as well as getting in rest. By the eve, I was popping drugs. Oregano oil, echinecia, axtaxanthin, vitamin C, garlic etc and the fermented lemon tea. - Bike: Cross
- Miles: 13.9
- Time: 54:55
- Avg Speed: 15.2 MPH
- Power: 229 W avg (753 kJ)
- AVG Cadence: 75
- Gain: 859'
Biking Stats 2:
- Bike: Cross
- Miles: 14
- Time: 44:01
- Avg Speed: 19.1 MPH
- Power: 203W avg (537 kJ)
- AVG Cadence: 72
- Gain: 186'
Biking Stats:
- Bike: Cross
- Miles: 13.9
- Time: 1:16:16
- Avg Speed: 11 MPH
- Power: Off due to wind... 668 kJ
- Gain: 868'
Thurs 29 Jan: Was going to do 2 runs today to make up for lost run yesterday and just not bike at all. Felt good about it when I got up early and was running shortly after 6 AM in the dark with the headlamp and the pup. Wasn't using HRM cause that thing is sucking right now. After warmup, I was feeling good carrying a ~8 M/Mi pace comfortably and not pushing and then pushed slightly to maintain that on the uphill portion. Soon as I started downhill around mile 5, I got this sharp pain in both quads that I experienced Sun during most of my long run and then again on Tuesday at the end. Still not healed all the way. By mi 5.6, I decided to walk for half a mile and see where I was. After trying to jog a couple times and still hurting, I pretty much walked it in and realized my body needs rest. This is not time to push it. Sure I could have pushed through at 8 min pace or for sure even 7 flat but it wasn't going to help me at this point. Training is all about being smart. This was my smart call. Second smart call was to make this week my easy recovery week vice next week. Throughout the day, I began to get a sore throat and kept popping drugs every 4 hours and trying to squeeze in extra sleep where possible.
Running Stats:
- Miles: 8
- Time: 1:19:45
- Pace: 9:58
- Gain: 167'
- Weather: Cold. 12 MPH N Wind.
- Route: Rock Island to Stapleton, Up to path and back through hood.
Fri 30 Jan: Easy week and I'm doing the incline... What? Yep that's right. Recovery incline baby. Still gotta get some verts. Recovery doesn't mean nothing. I also went a lot slower than normal. AVG HR was probably below 120. It sure was a great time spent with my sister though. First time the two of us have gotten together in a while. After still feeling about the same sick though. Not full blown but can tell the body is fighting. Poppin tons o pills still. Also filled up the Hot tub Today after a year drained and decided I need it for recovery. Was nice to sit in it tonight and soak it up with extra hydration after of course.
Running Stats:
Running Stats:
- Miles: 6.3
- Time: 2:16:06
- Pace: 21:32
- Gain: 2,30'
- Weather: 30s
- Route: Mem Park, Incline and return via Barr.
Sat 31 Jan: Having a pretty good streak here I have noticed. This is the 19th Day in a row with some sort of training. Since I have been sick, the workout this evening was not hard. I was originally just supposed to commute to work but the wet snow today caused slippy conditions and 21 deg tomorrow with 14 MPH headwind doesn't sound fun on a sore throat. I ended up doing a low effort spin on the spinner for 40 min watching a vid of the Leadville course as I rolled on the little chain ring. Was great to break a sweat. Also of note, I got a good 3 hour mid day nap in to prepare for work tonight.
Sun 25 Jan: Nada today. And on theseventh twentieth day he rested. All good streaks come to an end at some point. This may just be my longest. After getting my beauty rest this morning and then watching the Superbowl, I was planning to at least ride to work today. Unfortunately, I woke up sicker than when I went to sleep. Darn sore throat. Popped more pills and drove into work like a clown. I did order some winter biking shoes last night so that will be fun to finally have warm toes while I ride. I was going to get Neoprene booties but couldn't find something I liked and didn't want to spend $200 on winter shoes although I plan on being a lifetime Mustachian bike commuter. If I was a true Mustachian, I would have probably just put flat pedals and rocked the mountaineering boots but instead I found the consumer left inside me to get some winter shoes on sale for $90. Just twice what I was about to spend on booties that may have lasted through just this one winter. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow so I can resume training. If not, it may just be a couple of easy spins or short low effort runs until I am 100%. No need to kick myself while I am down as it won't make me better.
Biking Stats:
- Bike: Cross
- Miles: 7.6
- Time: 40:42
- Avg Speed:
- Power: NA
- AVG Cadence: 74
- Gain: 0
Sun 25 Jan: Nada today. And on the
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