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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Training Week 27 Apr to 3 May 2015

Weekly Totals:

Miles Run: 33.1
Hours Run: 5:03
Running Elevation Gain: 719'

Miles Biked: 103
Hours Biked: 3,760'
Biking Elevation Gain: 6:01

Total Training Time: 11:05
Total Elevation Gain: 4,499'

Not quite the numbers I was hoping for but still got it done when possible. With a busted, car I am left no choice but to commute. Weather was bad Monday and Friday so I missed a day and a half of bike commuting. Happy to have the numbers over 100 miles there but would have liked to see in the 150 range. Running, I was hoping for a 40 mile week but it just didn't happen. With my Master's degree graduation going on, there just wasn't time to get stuff done. This time loss forces me to really ensure the toe is healed before hammering it. It gives me no pain while running so that is good. I haven't decided what races I will be doing this month but I will be doing something so stay tuned. Next week, I hope to have normal numbers posted from pre-broken toe. I would like to see 50 miles running and over 100 biking with some good elevation gain numbers on both. The weather is forecast bad this week and I have to commute cause my vehicle is in the garage all dismantled so this week could get interesting. I will be riding in rain and be forced to lose out on miles for thunderstorms. I am also working to finish the car. The old engine will hopefully come out tomorrow and the new one shows up around Thursday. I hope to be installing it Saturday so I can have a working car as soon as possible.

Until next time..
See you at the top!

April 2015: Monthly Training Summary

Actual Numbers:
Miles Run: 57.4
Miles Biked: 569.2
Total Running Time: 8:03
Total Biking Time: 41:24
Running Elevation Gain: 2,556'
Biking Elevation Gain: 37,802'

Total miles:  609.8
Total Time: 48:16
Total Gain: 40,434'

Loose Training Goals From Mar For Apr:
Miles Biked: 600
Total Biking Time: 40 Hours
Other Time: 20 hours (Other will be hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, elliptical)
Biking Elevation Gain: 25,000'
Other Elevation gain: 15,000'

Well, overall I am happy with the month. Despite having a broken toe, I only ended up about 12 training hours shy of my normal 60 hours per month goal. I am quite surprised on how close I came on my biking goals. With the goal of 600 miles, I actually ended up at 569 but my elevation gain was much more than I thought I would get. Much of this was based off the fact that my predictions included mostly commuting and I had that week where I went to the Space Symposium on the west side and had tons of climbing. What else you will see here is running miles. More of a typical number from a normal week before but I am ecstatic to have any for the month at all. My original goal had no running miles at all for the month so this is great and I didn't do my other category at all like I thought I would. While it was the biggest biking month of my life, I could have done more as I had a week or two in the single digits for training hours. The past couple of weeks have been a slow build back to running and I would have actually run more but life just gets in the way. Things such as attending my Master's degree graduation took a front burner and working out a back one. This forced me to ease back in without re-injuring it except that I am having dreams at night about doing the Jemez 50 mi in on the 23rd of May even thought I should be feeling that is a bad idea. I need to make it to Leadville and be ready to run and not more injured. I had some good saddle time on the mountain bike and had my first taste of mountain bike racing after being worn out from a full week of commuting. It is also crazy to think that at this point last year, I had trained over 100 hours less than this point this year and this month last year, I only trained 28 hours total between running and biking so even with a broken toe, I am on a good track. Looking towards next month, I hope to be fully back on track with normal months from before. I want May to look like March did as far as numbers for gain and whatnot although I would like to still see more biking than that and running should be identical. My gut feeling is to run even more but reasonably, I will be very happy to meet March's numbers as Leadville gets close for the Trail run and I have a couple weeks to finalize training before the first race. No idea what I lost from running but it wasn't much because my pace at MAF isn't half bad. Biking has really maintained it. Sitting here now, I am excited that I can actually run and pain free at that. The toe still lets me know it is broken when I bend the wrong way once in a while though.

Loose Training Goals For May:
Miles Run: 200
Miles Biked: 450
Total Running Time: 35 Hours
Total Biking Time: 25 Hours
Running Elevation gain: 25,000'
Biking Elevation Gain: 20,000'

Until next month...

See you at the top!