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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Summary of 23 Feb to 1 Mar 2015

Weekly Totals:

Miles Run: 52
Hours Run: 9:51
Running Elevation Gain:10,253'

Miles Biked: 69.8
Hours Biked: 4:22
Biking Elevation Gain: 0'
Total Power: ?

Total Training Time: 14:14
Total Elevation Gain: 10,253'


Got my full rest day with no activity the first day of this week after 21 days straight (one more than last time) and then continued onto two 10ish mile runs the following two days probably for feeling guilty for skipping a day. The story of the rest of this cold and snowy week included hours of indoor biking while watching TV and Spinervals and mashing out the pedals. It wouldn't be a full week without the obligatory trip up the incline which was Friday. This week the snow was so deep, there was no visible wood sticking out. Oh and it was four degrees. Larry DeWitt says you gotta be extreme for extreme races. I really want two big buckles so I am focused. Not focused enough of course to be riding my bike out in blizzards though I guess haha. But... Focused enough to go back out the next day for three more trips up the incline not only to walk back down the way I came each time but run all of the way down the trail and return to where I started in Manitou each time. With the weather conditions, this provided me the chance to self aid at the car. I was able to refill bottles, get in a lot of gain as well as a lot of pain.  Well ok maybe not a lot of pain. I played it right and got a little faster each trip and felt like I wanted more when I was done which is what Joe Friel says he wants his athletes to feel like. Today wrapped up the week with a four mile run that was supposed to be slow but I got in a decent pace and still averaged only 130 HR which is great and really showing my fitness. I followed that up with an end cap to the week of an hour spin tonight at roughly 120 average HR before work to get roughly 14 and a half training hours on the week with over 10K of elevation gain all in the running this time. I haven't managed that much on foot since my race at the Run Rabbit run and not on a training week since mid July so it feels good and the legs aren't too too spent. They rather feel just right or slightly tired but rightfully so. That marks four solid weeks of training so the coming week will be my rest week with a greatly reduced volume down to only 50-60% of what I have been doing. It comes with great timing as my nose is a tad stuffy tonight (my son has been a green snot monster the last couple of days) so hopefully I can peel back and not take this one too hard before jumping head first into the Salida Run Through Time Marathon the following week where I can put my early season base building and fitness to a test and find out where I am at and what I need to do to get my butt in gear before June. Thanks for reading about another fantastic week of Micah despite the cold weather adversity.

The rest also comes at a good time because I start my Thesis for my masters degree in Systems Engineering this week as well so the next two months will be an adventure juggling the final straw on that chapter of my life and still managing to spend time with my wonderful wife and son that I love all so much.  Happy training everyone!
Until next time...

See you at the top!

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